Often enough I will be going to a new place. Everytime a brand new poem with a fresh stamp will be put in my suitcase.

Thursday, 22 March 2012


There are only two days left of voting! Remember, you can vote as many times as you want to make sure your landmark wins. If you want to selsct "Other" more then once, then specify more than once.

Tuesday, 20 March 2012

Free Verse: World Wonders

Intro: This free verse is based on the seven wonders of the world (meaning SEVEN verses in my poem). I'm sorry if these may not be the most recent wonders but they still left a mark on our world.

World Wonders

Seven wonders in one world.
There's not enough time
To experience their beauty and history.

Chichen Itza
Located in Magnificent Mexico.
Stands tall and mighty,
Tickling the clouds at the top.
Hundreds of stairs
Leading to a whole other world.
The religious center of Mexican history.
It's ancient yet you learn something new about it.

Christ the Redeemer
Located in Brilliant Brazil.
Waiting for the whole world with open arms.
Greeting me as I stand under it
Like an ant to a tree.
The most important monument of the Catholic religion
He looks over the city of Rio,
Protecting them from harms way
And steering choices in the right direction.

Great Wall of China
Located in Charming China.
Cherry blossoms dangle over the edge
Swaying in the gentle breeze.
One of the most unique human creations.
As far as the eye can see
Breaking records at 6700 kilometres.
Running across the country
One brick at a time.

Mahcu Picchu
Located in Peaceful Peru.
An ancient village with many stories
Waiting to be told.
Sitting on the peak of a mighty mountain.
Being admired from far and wide.
The old buildings crumble
But are still famous around the world.
This Inca City is a true wonder.

Located in Joyful Jordan.
Giant red mountains
Are carved in to art.
I'm in awe when I see the extensive mausoleums.
A tomb to honour those who died.
They stretch out for miles
Being admired from near and far.
One of the world's greatest wonders
Made by Nature and Man.

Roman Colosseum
Located in Ravishing Rome.
So ancient
So beautiful.
I am officially standing in the most famous stadium!
Where  famous battles were held
Based on the dramatic, yet classic, mythology.
Gladiators fighting to the death
And mock sea battles.
This is why I came to Rome.
To see this piece of history.
One of the world's greatest works of Roman architecture.

Taj Mahal
Located in Intimate India.
It sits majestically upon a hill.
A castle fit for a king
Is what I thought when I saw it.
With its white marble exterior
And golden interior.
It truly is a magnificent monument that reflects
An immense love.


This post is just to give you a place to comment the landmark you want to visit if you selected other.
Of course I will be writing a poem for the winning landmark.

Monday, 19 March 2012

Free Verse: So Many Places, So Little Time

Sorry about the delay I haven't really had the time. But better late than never.
  • Japan
  • Florida
  • Ireland
So Many Places, So Little Time

So many places, so little time
There's a whole other world out there waiting to be seen
Different Cultures,
Different Foods,
New experiences.

"Land of the Rising Sun"
Japan, the country filled with beauty.
When I wake up I see
Cherry blossoms growing outside my window,
Strong yet delicate.
My nose is immediately filled with the scents of Japanese cuisine
Fresh sushi followed by warm noodles.
I hear children playing and laughing
And bicycle bells ringing.
I say "Konnichiha" to people walking by
I receive smiles that brighten the morning.
While walking I realised "Everything here is natural and pure!
Wish my home was more like this."

"The Sunshine State"
Florida the Sunshine State.
You can say that again!
As I walk down the gorgeous beaches,
Sunglasses protecting my eyes from the beaming rays.
Waves crash on the shore,
Soaking my toes.
The seagulls soar in the pink, sunset-y sky.
The sand slides in my sandals
Forcing me to walk barefoot.
I breathe in the salty sea spray
And close my eyes.
This state is truly a thing of beauty!

"Ireland Forever"
Ireland, one of the friendliest places I've visited.
Right when i stepped out the airplane
Immediately I was welcomed with a pair of dazzling smiles.
Ireland is truly a sight for sore eyes.
With its rolling hills and marshmallow clouds,
Just begging me to lose my day lying down and watching the clouds float by
In shapes only my imagination can concoct.
Ireland's old, mighty churches tower above me.
I've never seen such artistic architecture before.
I'm in awe.
When walking back to my temporary home,
I'm showered with greetings that left an imprint on my attitude,
Smiles that brighten my day,
And new friends that will stay in my memories.
I wish I could stay in "Ireland Forever"!